Nancy McCann Vericker is the co-author with her son, JP, of their book, Unchained: Our Family’s Addiction Mess Is Our Message. It’s the true story of JP’s descent into opioid and alcohol addiction, homelessness, violence and now long-term recovery as a co-founder of a Massachusetts treatment program. Their book recounts how through faith, tough love, and a twelve-step program, the Vericker family helped their son return home to a renewed life. Unchainedprovides hope for families grappling with addiction.

Nancy & JP Vericker
Nancy is a spiritual director, parish youth minister and conference and retreat speaker. She has shared her family’s story on NBC’s TodayShow, Conversations with Cardinal Dolan and Viewpoint and frequently appears at conferences, on radio programs, and in newspaper and magazine articles. Nancyand her husband, Joe, have been married for 35 years. They have four children and live in Westchester County, N.Y.
Contact Nancy
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